Best Leaders' Consulting

Life without easing into Drama

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​In this world, we can all testify that we have experienced drama at several points on our journey. These conflicting dramas, however, I have summed up to be the result of human beings trying to gratify several aspects of themselves. The first aspect is showing how important their point of views are and how much they know that should be recognized and accepted. The second is the desire to be accepted for who they are as valued and authentic individuals; and thirdly, to reject anyone or anything that threatens their sense of self-worth or stands in their way of achievements.

When we recognize and acknowledge that all human beings are flawed and imperfect – in need of God’s grace, mercy, and guidance to experience life’s fulfillment, we can breathe and exhale. It is at this point of releasing from the standpoint that we are in control of our own lives, others, and things that evolve around us, that we can begin to enjoy life and ease ourselves out of drama. Who really cares about what other imperfect beings think about them instead of caring about what God their creator thinks about them? Our first priority is getting to know God and our purpose in and through him. Too much time is spent on flawed and imperfect human beings interpretations of self and others.

We can never grow and be drama free if we dwell in the space of corruptible human nature and things. To heal ourselves from the elements of unnecessary drama and stress, we must spend time alone with God – in prayer and reading his word often. We should also take time for self-care and avoid people, places, and things that are creating drama and stresses in our lives. We can learn to love some folks from afar. We can also work on developing self-control and respect ourselves by setting up boundaries in relationships and our choice of sustainable environments.

Our mindsets have to evolve into resting in a more calculated and orderly flow of positive knowledge and information that comes from God. Also, taking time to stop being too busy and simply rest as needed. The mind and body needs to be refreshed often in order to have a healthy and long life. Finally, my hope from writing this short blog is to achieve my goal in helping you to become drama free as much as possible in your everyday life. Be and stay blessed!

Written By: Iodelle A. Chinnery

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