Best Leaders' Consulting

Understanding Organizational Development

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Organizational Development also known as OD, has several meanings. It may refer to a planned and systematic approach to improving the overall effectiveness and functions of an organization – aligning strategy, employees, and processes. It also includes the practice of planned and systemic change in values, attitudes, and beliefs of an organization’s employees through the creation and reinforcement of short-term or long-term training programs.

The study of organizational Development encompasses understanding successful organizational performances and change. This study was birthed in the 1930s from human relations studies, during which psychologists became aware that organizational structures and processes influence the motivation and behaviors of employees in the workplace.

Organizational Development has been extended to our world today as an approach that embraces and aligns an organization to a multifaceted, complex, and rapidly changing environment. This approach is transferred through information and knowledge management, organizational learning, as well as, adapting to organizational and societal values and norms.

What is the process for Organizational Development?

 It is the leadership team’s responsibility to assess the need of their organization and solve any existing operational problems, as well as, look for ways to improve organizational effectiveness. They should also initiate the organizational development process and include employees’ input to complete the OD diagnosis from various positions and levels of understanding. OD, nevertheless, doesn’t stop, it is an ongoing process of implementing the effective change in how the organization functions over time.

What are some typical Organizational Development activities?

Some typical OD activities are – leadership development, organizational assessments, team building, career development, coaching, talent management, change management, training, e-learning, and innovation. These activities are all created to develop people and the organization for positive growth.

The following are some key concepts of Organizational Development theory:

Organizational Strategies – This is how an organization identifies problems, creates plans and put them into action, as well as, initiates changes, and evaluates progress.

Organizational Culture – This is the values, norms, and behaviors that employees and members of the organization have.

Organizational Climate – This is the organization’s unique identity or mood, which includes the beliefs and attitudes that influence the collective behavior of employees in the workplace.

What are the benefits of Organizational Development?

It empowers leaders and employees, by creating a culture of ongoing improvement and alignment around common goals.

OD not only gives employees something to focus on by putting them to work, it also improves the quality and efficiency of their work.

OD makes it possible for organizations to adapt more easily and quickly to change. Which is an advantage in today’s economy and a basic requirement for survival.

It identifies and utilizes the right resources that are necessary for accomplishing tasks.

It reduces mistakes and inaccuracy in products and service deliveries, bridging gaps in communication and addressing concerns in customers dissatisfaction.

With organizational development, conflicts become constructive rather than destructive.

What are the end results of Organizational Development?

Organizations are better able to make a profit and boost their profits by including cost effectiveness, adopting better productive methods, and understanding of consumer preferences.

Increased innovation, better quality in products and services.

Greater customers satisfaction.

Supervisors and their employees enjoy a better work environment.

Better adaptability to current changes in the economy.

Written By: Iodelle A. Chinnery

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